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EAST AFRICA: Airports Modernization and Security

April 24 - May 5, 2016: East Africa Airport Security & Modernization Reverse Trade Mission Locations: Washington, DC; Miami, FL; Atlanta, GA


The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will host a delegation of senior public and private sector officials from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania for an East Africa Airports Security and Modernization Reverse Trade Mission (RTM). Cimperium is developing itinerary to introduce delegates to U.S. technologies, service providers, operational best practices, financing products and training resources in the areas of airport development, operation and security. The RTM will address key themes of security and safety solutions, including risk assessment methodologies and best practices for cross-departmental coordination.

April 26, 2016: East Africa Airport Security & Modernization Business Briefing


As part of the East Africa Airport Security and Modernization Reverse Trade Mission, there will be a one-day Business Briefing at the USTDA Business Center in Arlington, VA on April 26, 2016. This Business Briefing will provide a forum for the delegates to share information with U.S. companies on their needs, upcoming procurements and plans for airport development in East Africa. One-on-one meetings with U.S. companies will be arranged for the delegates. The registration cost is $50 and includes materials and lunch.


For more information contact Pamela Peseux or visit the RTM website:


To register for the April 26, 2016 Business Briefing, go here

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